Rapid detection, Robust protection

Strengthen your daily detection against fraud, phishing and brand identity theft with our detection workflow

👉 Seamless Integration

👉 Actionable intelligence

👉 Suitable for threat intelligence

Stalkphish.io Process

All the data you need, in a single place

URLs Retrieved and Analyzed


Each Day

Phishing Kits Downloaded


Each Day

Brands Monitored



Actionable Insights Feed

Leverage enriched data from Stalkphish.io to enhance your knowledge base and existing framework.

Enhance Data

Augment your own data and knowledge by integrating information obtained from our API.

Understand Threats

Explore the workings of phishing kits impersonating your brand and gain insights into their tactics.

Track Campaigns

Stay informed about campaigns attempting to deceive your customers and jeopardize your brand.

Initiate Takedowns

Initiate the takedown process swiftly with the information gathered from our platform.

Monitor Threat Actors

Keep a vigilant eye on the activities of threat actors and their infrastructure.

Give a test to our REST API and data:

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